Information about Cars and Trips

How it works

How it works?

Cars and Trips is the easiest way for anyone to book a car!

Simply search and compare available options using the useful filters to find your ideal car in just seconds.

Check the availability for your required date and book the ride to confirm! Prices indicated are the final price of rental charges without additional hidden costs, except possible deposit that will be held by the vendor.

Your credit card will not be charged until the vendor has confirmed the booking within 1 working day after confirming the right model and car you booked is available in good working condition.

Detailed descriptions of the listing will also be shown to give a complete information for the exact listing as well as vendor provider.

Should you need to ask for more information, you can also send the vendor a message to enquire.

General -

Bookings made through Cars and Trips will be between you and the service provider (“vendor”), service will also be provided by the service provider. Cars and Trips will provide local customer support to help facilitate the booking between vendor and customer. We constantly review our partners to ensure quality service standards delivered to all of our customers.

Feel free to reach out to us at should you have any other enquiries or feedbacks.